Midnight Magic- ARC Review


We are back with the Clover Pack!! Kinda... this book starts off where the previous one left off.  So actually we're in the Fae Realm lol. With this book we get so many reveals that I almost couldn't handle it!! Questions you had in the first book,  ANSWERS we get!! It was perfectly spaced out as not to overwhelm us and we got to meet so many new characters!! I don't know who I want to read about more now!! I how after Rowans story is complete we get more of the people we've met in this book. My heart was almost broken though, I won't even tell you who but someone almost DIED!! I was like,  please no,  not again!! The last book hurt me enough,  I couldn't handle it if we lost someone else. Luckily we didn't and more love interest have popped up.  I just really enjoy getting to dive into a world that makes me care about the other characters as well as the main crew. 
   This book had more spice in it than the first.  I'd give it a 3 out of 5. I wanted more but the way the story progressed made it understandable that there wasn't more.  Hopefully we get more in the next book.  Yup you heard it right.  NEXT book.  This one didn't end in a cliff hanger but the story is definitely not complete. We've got some Wolves to handle then some Fae and one undeserving mother to put in her place!! I can't wait for it.  Over all I give this book a 4 or of 5!! I'd defibrillator recommend this series and look forward to ARC reading the next entry in the Clover Pack series!!!


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