This was a very....interesting read. This was definitely heavy on the smut and it didn't really feel like there was much else. I'm not usually one to get put off by the beginning of a book but the first 10% was not that interesting to me. I started reading one of my comfort reads just to see if I needed a pallet cleanser before I hopped back into this book. I still didn't really like it. I have nothing against books that are heavy on the smut (I prefer them actually) but having a little plot to go along with it tends to make it that much better. This book to me didn't feel that way. I was not interested in Eros, and I was only a little interested in Aradia. I guess it's because I didn't really get a feel for either one of their characters before they were smitten by each other. I was way more interested in Crescendo and where he learned all this current music from. His name was so interesting as well!! Actually, I liked him more than both of the MC's in this. I could not take Eros seriously and that was part of it. I also just felt like Aradia was just down for anything...in like a, I have no personality type way. Not a heck yeah, I'll try everything once, type of way. I liked that the author tried to make a retelling that not everyone and their mom is doing right now. So for that, I appreciated this book.
The spice in this book was meh. There was a lot of angst and kind of a slow burn vibe in the beginning but they were definitely making out and stuff just no real sexy time was happening. The idea of Eros, having a slong as long as Aradia's arm was just...painful. I imaged all kinds of ruptured organs and ripping where I wouldn't want to be ripped. So that was not too...sexy for me. I give this like a 1 out of 5 in the spice department. Overall, I gave this book a 2. I didn't connect to this story in any way, other than laughing at Crescendo who was quite funny. If you're looking for something that is just pure smut, skip to almost 50% and read from there. You'll definitely have to story you might enjoy. Again, this is just my opinion and I advocate for everyone to pick up this book to see if maybe it's just what they are looking for or not. I however will not be recommending this book.
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