God of Pain- Review



This book was so dark and yummy. Creighton had so much darkness to deal with due to traumatic events of his past that no one would have expected! I definitely didn't see how  things were going to reconcile between Annika and Creighton after a major event happened in the book. Things were pretty tense and I couldn't see how things were going to end. Luckily it all managed to work out. I really want to read the parents stories because they seem so interesting! We didn't get to see much of Killian and Glyndon in this book but I still loved that we were in the same world. It seems that the men in this series are all extremely possessive and obsessive about their women, to the point that they don't want anyone to really be around them if they are male....that includes family members. Which was a little weird at times but I still let it slide. I liked the way that each character had their own issues to overcome and the other person was able to help them grow as person. They were able to then grow in their relationship with each other. It was all just a nice little mash up of trauma bonding.

    The spice in this book was spicing! It was hot and I enjoyed it even if their type of play is not what I normally enjoy. I definitely would give this a 4 out of 5 for the spice. Overall I gave this book a 4 out of 5. I simply could not put this book down. It probably took me like 2 days to read this book. I absolutely devoured it. This author has a way of writing that just draws you in. I especially like the banter between the characters. They are so funny yet so serious! I can't wait to read more in this series as well as in the previous series. These are truly standalones it seems. The other characters do make an appearance but since their stories almost seem to be insular you don't really need to know about what happens with the other characters. My main question though is if things are happen concurrently or if the order of the series is the order that things are happening in the story. I'm unsure at this moment. Hopefully more will be revealed the deeper that we get into this series! I definitely recommend this to anyone who enjoys a little dark romance. Though please read the triggers before you start this series because these characters are deep!


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