The Wolf King - Review

 This book was so interesting!! I binge read it in a day! I absolutely loved Callum and Aurora! I loved the world and I wanted to know about everything and just about everyone in this world. There are so many interesting characters that we meet in this book. Blake, of course, stands out the most! We get the most interaction with him outside of the MCs. Though there is still Fiona, James and Ryan. All of who, play a role in everything that happens in the story. I want to know more about each of them. I hope that we get more interaction with them in the next book. I feel like James is going to be a definite since I feel like between him and Aurora's father, Blake and Callum are going to have their hands filled. Callum is definitely a very feel good character. Like after all the dark men that I have read lately, he was a refreshing dose of just nice. I mean, he did kidnap our FMC but I was worth it. There was some things that I felt like the foreshadowing was very obvious, like the reveal for Aurora. Blake had been dropping bread crumbs for awhile for her to find so when things were eventually thrown out there at the end of the book, for me, it wasn't really that surprising. I was however surprised when a certain brother decided that he was going to betray his brother. I was hoping that they were closer than that but then this all happened. I guess though you could kinda feel that this was going to be the relationship with them once we get to the wolf kingdom. I will also say that the moments where Callum wasn't all powerful and strong were kind of strange moments. I felt like the 2 times that we see if overly displayed that it kinda made me question him more than I think was the intent of the scene. Even with these minor things that detracted a little, I still can't wait for the next book, if there is going to be one. There is so much left to learn and to be ironed out.

    The spice in this book was a little less than what I was hoping for but the scene that we do get between Callum and Aurora was nice. I definitely want more if there is another book. I gave the spice a 3 out of 5. Overall I enjoyed this story and I can't wait for more (if there is more). This world definitely still has so much more to offer us and I can't wait for all things to be fully revealed! I would recommend this book to anyone who likes shifter romance!


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