Deadly Wolf Bite - Review


This book continues where the first book left off and we are thrust right back into the thick of things with the Mafia Pack. Unfortunately, things are not going that well for everyone. Our couple is not in a good place with each other and this continues through out the book. Every step that they attempt to take to free the people of the tyranny they are in just makes things worse. Until things come to a head. This book was full of ups and downs and unexpected happenings. I couldn't believe how crazy things got! I'm very interested in how things are going to go from here!! Betrayal and more happens to drive the story in this book. With our characters not trusting each other and then there actually being untrustworthy beings, we have no idea what's about to happen. This book was well done and I enjoyed the story. I'm looking forward to what happens in the next book. Things are being set up very nicely for our MC's. The truth is about to be revealed.

The spice in this book was very light since our MC's were at odds with each other for most of the book. Also there is a lot going on. Between parents behaving badly and then friends behaving badly things were pretty busy. I'd give this book a 3 out of 5. Overall I enjoyed this book and I'd give it 4 out of 5. I enjoyed the story that is developing as well as how things are being handled by our main characters. I want to see how they are able to reach their goals as well as find out more about the truth of Lexi. I'd recommend this book to anyone who likes shifters and mafia romance stories. 


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