End of the Month Wrap Up - June 24

 I'm a little late writing this but better late never right?! June was another busy month in the book streets!! I gained a new subscription and I'm looking forward to getting the books that will be coming with it. I had a lot of ARC's this month. Some that definitely opened my eyes to some new authors and that I can't wait to get more of! There are a lot of continuing books that I can't wait to read more of! This next month I'm hoping to be more relaxed when it comes to popping out the ARC reads. Also, I'm just about done with my Goodreads challenge!! I think I only have about 7 books left to read before the end of the year to complete my challenge! I'm so proud of myself for sticking it through in the times that I thought I wasn't going to be able to read one more page. Thanks to everyone for sticking with me and reading and liking my reviews! We're going to finish out the year strong and see where things take us! Now, let's get to the books! Here's a little recap of the books that I read this month. Then we're going to hop right into the superlatives! Check it out!


Prettiest Cover - A Summoned Husband: This cover is beautiful!! I love everything about this cover!! It is definitely what initially sucked me in! I HAD to get this book! Hands down the best thing I've seen this month in terms of just how beautiful it looks but also how it manages to tell a story without being extravagant. You know exactly what you are going to get from this cover.

Best Voice Actors- Wretched: I really loved the voice actors in this book. I enjoy that there have been different voice actors in each one of these books as opposed to being the same. That way it feels like everyone is unique and if they were all together we would be able to differentiate the characters from each other if they were in a room together. They really seemed like they fit with the character.

Top Baddie- Vindictica (A Summoned Husband): This chick was not playing with the main characters in this book! She came with a plan and was ready to execute it. I was reading this like oh my....she is ready READY! I was surprised that they were able to defeat her because it really seemed like she was on GO and everything was working out in her favor. I wouldn't have been surprised if this ended up being 2 books and we ended this book with Vindictica winning. Like she was that chick! 

Favorite Character- Aurelia (A Cage of Crimson): I really loved Aurelia. She was stuck in such a terrible situation and tried to make the most of it. Then after things were flipped on it's head, she was willingly to actually look at what was going on and see the truth of the situation. Then she made sure that she got the respect that she deserved from Weston even though she doesn't know the truth of their situation. I applaud her for growth and then trying to make the most of everything that was going on. Her willingness to test out things on herself was amazing. I can't wait to see more of her in the series to come. 

Spiciest Book- A Cage of Crimson: Dare I say that this has been spicier than the original series? I love that KF Breene is stepping deeper into her spice era! Listen, Weston and Aurelia kept things spicy from day 1! Omg it was amazing. I couldn't believe how good it was! Like from the first few chapters they were heating up the pages! Flames everywhere. This has to be the hottest and spiciest book that I think I've read this year! Like whew, this was amazing. 

Best Storyline- Shattered Hearts: I really enjoyed this story. I really loved how things progressed and then how they were able to reconcile with each other. I also loved the kind of side story of how things needed to be reconciled with Zoe's brother. He played such a big part in her life and I think he never realized until she and Dom finally forced him to realize how his inaction was hurting her. When he finally was able to do what was necessary, I applauded! I loved this story and I can't wait for more from this author!

Author of the Month- KF Breene: I can't express how much I love this author and her books. I had to give her author of the month because she came back swinging with A Cage of Crimson and it feels like it was so much spicier than some of her previous books. I felt her getting deeper into it with the later books in the Deliciously Dark Fairytales. I really wish her the best and I can't wait to read more from her!

Book of the Month- Watchers: I gave this book, book of the month because I loved how it was able to enhance the world that this book takes place in. I loved that we got the opportunity to see the characters from the first book in this one. Even though it was brief. I really can't wait for more! I think this book was perfect in it's execution of pushing the story along, introducing us to more characters and the different roles in this pack as well as reintroducing us to people that we have already met. It just was really good. I can't wait to read Guards!! 


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