
Broken Whispers - Review

 This book was just what I needed to take me out of my reading funk! I burned through this book in what 2 days...maybe 1. This book was such an interesting read! It truly was almost like beauty and the beast! I would definitely say that this book was a little sweeter than I thought it was going to be. Mikhail and Bianca had such a beautiful story and just meshed together very well They both had scars that the two of them had to get over for the other. For Mikhail is was the scaring to his body and for Bianca it was the let down of no longer to do what she loved, ballet. I was also very glad that the FMC did not shy away from the life that the MMC led. Instead of trying to change him and make him better, she accepted that this is  the life that they are going to lead and she just needed to make sure that her man was taken care of and felt loved. I find myself kind of rebelling against the idea that these women are meant to change these men who have led these dark lives for all their liv

One Foot In the Grave - Review

This book has been a school on female badassery!! I mean Cat was out here serving it to whoever was out there trying to dish it. It was nice seeing her take on people without Bones. It gives us a solid view on her strength and how much of a threat her uniqueness is. While I loved their time apart, them getting back together was that much better! I loved seeing how much they both cared about each other and almost seemed to not miss a beat despite being apart for years. Knowing how strong they are apart just let's you know how much of a force they will be together! Not to mention that ending?! It almost feels like I'm reading this for the first time! I forgot that's how things became official!! This reread journey has been great and I can't wait to dive back into these two!! Its really hard to judge the spice in this audiobook and I can't remember what it was when I actually read it but at this moment I give it a 3. Overall I give this a 4 out of 5. I enjo

Captured Fate - Review

  I was so excited to get back into this series! Only for it to let me down. I was not excited about anything that was going on. This book just felt over all depressing. Like there are dark reads but then there is this. I think there is the darkness on top of the fact that things were paced very slowly that just ended up making this entire book feel like a snoozefest. There was nothing really memorable about what happened and almost all of the new characters that we end up meeting feel kind of expendable. The whole rinse wash and repeat feel of the events that are happening just wash things out. We do get to meet Griffin who we all thought was dead up until the last book but really....his return didn't make things in this book any more...exciting. You'd think that it would since he was such a polarizing character throughout the first few books in this series but The fact that we are back with the Guardians again is just meh and even though there is another evil by t

Bewitched - Review

I can't believe I waited this long to indulge in this world!! I was thinking this was going to be more YA for some reason. Oh no...this is no where near that!! I really enjoyed Memnon and Selene. I loved their interaction with each other and how quirky Selene is. Of course I also loved how crazily obsessed Memnon is with Selene. I can't wait for them to get together even though Memnon is a tad on the crazy side. He's entirely part of the touch her and die gang. Like literally, he'd annihilate everyone. This should definitely be interesting to see why things are the way the are in the next book!! I have no negatives for this book.      The spice is giving slow burn. I am ready to explode. I have to give it a 3 because there was literally nothing between the characters but you feel it. You just know it's going to be amazing once it happens and man.....I can't wait. I give this book a 5 overall! I really loved it. The way the magic system is and the mys

End of the Month Wrap Up - September 2024

 Here we go! It's the end of the month again. I feel like I blinked and the month was over!! I read some pretty amazing books in this month! There is one that I haven't done the official post for but the review is up already and this book is my top for this month! I loved it!! Stay til the end to find out which one!! So, also some updates for next year! I'm investing in getting some upgrades so I can improve my content creation! I want to have more interaction with YOU my fellow readers, as well as just plain having fun making fun stuff for the things that I love. So look forward to that! I've also been contemplating adding to my platforms with Tik Tok! I'm thinking up some content that will not only help my fellow readers but also the authors who are just some exposure away from achieving their dreams. You'll slowly start to see me adding more content to my Bookstagram as time progresses and eventually I want to reopen my book club! Wish me luck and drop some i

Queen Takes Queen - Review

  We are back again with Shara and the guys!! This time they have to take on the protection the nest and each other as Shara begins to realize more and more that she's going to have a definite run in with some of the other Queens sooner than she wants. Shara is really beginning to come more into her own here and we see just how much when she gets to meet another more established Queen. Shara also gains quite a few more blood here! We get Nevarre, Ezra and the Twins. I can't wait to see how more of their personalities come out. Nevarre has an amazing accent and brings us the great Scottish accent, Ezra is an unruly bear who has a tendency to speak before he thinks and last but not least the Twins, who were desperate to finally find a Queen. We don't know much about their personalities yet since Shara just gets them added to her Blood at the end of this book. She meets Mayte Zania and her Blood when she goes to Mexico and we see how technical things can be when a Queen meets

Ruthless King - Review

  This was a spicy and fun read! I really enjoyed getting to know the Sokolov brothers! Their story was tragic and crazy but definitely worth the ride that we went on in this book! This book has what you can expect from an omegaverse book, muscle bound alphas with aggression issues, middle of the road betas and the soft spoken and often over looked omegas. The omegas in this world are pretty much subject to whatever the alpha's want. They are believed to just be bed warmers. I do like the idea that the omega's have power that can only be used to it's full potential if the alpha that bonds them actually cares about them. It makes the men have to actually try to care if they want power. Most of the omega's in this world do not have access to their gifts past puberty due to them not forming bonds that are forged with love. Of course this is something that most alpha's ignore and has been lost, for the most part, to the pages of history. Until vengeance brings these two