Closure For All


  This book picked up right where the previous book left off and takes us straight to Lilith after she finds out that she is The Crimson Demon. And from there it felt like nothing really happened in this book. Unfortunately this one is going to be one of the books that I did not care for. The characters just weren't very memorable. Usually when I jump back into a series book that I haven't read for awhile, I'm able to recall something about the characters and something of the plot...I wasn't able to do that for most of this book. I was able to remember bits and pieces from the first one but that's about it. Everything feels very muddy and disoriented. I hate that, because I was looking forward to this series but it's just not resonating for me. I don't think that Lilith has enough time with the men individually now and there are just so many characters that are popping up. It's hard to keep them straight. 

        Overall, I think that if maybe this book was longer and spent more time on the individual relationships of the characters and developing each character then it would have been so much better! I love the idea behind it. I'd give this book a 2 out of 5 with the spice. It's not that it wasn't there, it's just that it wasn't memorable. It happened in like one paragraph. It felt like it was forced in there and not that the characters actually wanted to do it. Overall this was a 2 out of 5 for me. I will not be continuing this series and definitely do not recommend it at this point. I hate being negative but I don't wanna lie to ya'll with my reviews. More vamp reads to come that I will hopefully be able to connect with more! 


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