End of The Month Wrap Up


  Wow it's the end of the month already!! I'm going to start doing a wrap up for the month starting...now!! So far we've gotten 5 books read this month. While, I was hoping for more, I will definitely take it!! I'm going to be ranking the books that I've read this year and then putting them in certain categories. Bare with me as we try to get through this and make it the best version of itself. You will more than likely see different versions of this based on the particular month. Here are the 5 books that I have up for this month:

First Comes Blood by Lilith Vincent

Queen of Myth and Monsters by Scarlett St. Clair

Blood Orange by Karina Halle

The Dark King by Gina Maxwell

Crimson Kiss by Lyra Winters

Hottest Spicy Scenes: Blood Orange- Whew the scenes in this book could burn down the most stout church goers panties in a zero seconds flat! Dahlia and Valtu knew what they were doing with each other!! I love the rough scenes and this had more than it's fair share, I was ready to start the second book ASAP if it was already out. Another chance to see this couple together in their new iterations of each other is much appreciated. I can't imagine how much better they are going to be with each other now that this version of Dahlia/Mina is someone who could handle all of Valtu and not break!

Best Story-line: Blood Orange- Now this isn't going to be a sweep but this book had the best storyline to me out of all the others. Crimson Kiss, just kept getting polluted with more people that we had to remember and then the guys just weren't memorable enough for me to have kept up with their story from book one. The Dark King was good but at the same time I didn't really connect with the characters as much as I did with Blood Orange. Plus the fact that the story is moving onto other characters in the next book without explaining more of that huge bomb they dropped in the last few chapters makes me not enthused to continue the series at all. Queen of Myth and Monsters had the same problem that Crimson Kiss had....there was just so much happening. Like poor Isolde just can't catch a break. It's one thing after another and the fact that things just keep getting worse between her and Adrian just made this book not that fun for me. First Comes Blood was also one that was kinda all over the place with how the FMC was treated. I wanted to know more about why she turned on Salvatore and went to the others when it seemed like they were getting along well. Those types of holes is what pushed Blood Orange to the top here.

Favorite Character: Bryn Myra- Bryn was such an interesting character!! I loved her so much. She saw that her life was getting crazy and she decided to take some time to herself and visit Vegas!! Of course this night was going to change her life but she definitely seemed like a roll with the punches type of person. I wish that we were able to get more of her and maybe we will get some glimpses of her in the next book in the series but she it won't be as the main character.

That's all that I have for you this week!! I can't wait to do this more and incorporate some more of the books that I will read next month as well as the ones that I finish in these final days of January. Currently, I'm reading Hunting Adeline and it has been taking me on a ride that I was very afraid of going on in the beginning. I really can't wait to share the experience with everyone and I hope that you stay tuned for the next review!! See ya!


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