What Would You Do to Remember


 This book was ok. I am still not sure how I feel about it.  I don't hate it but I also don't love it. It was truly a meh read to me. I'm going to go ahead and say this review will have spoilers!! If you want to see my thoughts without the spoilers skip to the last paragraph!! Let's get to it!
   So I couldn't really give reasons on why I was meh on this book without giving examples from the book. So I didn't like that the issues weren't big enough to warrant the actions of the characters. At this point in the story we know that the 4 horsemen have known Scarlett before this.  Everything they've accomplished til this point has been to get her back. Which... I guess. We don't really get any backstory on how everyone met our know each other. I almost felt like they were all in foster care or something with each other and bonded that way but I'm unsure. They were 16 year Olds when whatever happened, happened so I don't know who could have made enemies of them at that young of an age. They don't seem connected to like a mob family so that's out the window. They haven't been able to find Scarlett in the 10 years she's been missing but they know who had her. For some reason they can't try to help her get her memories back so they're torturing her because she's with the enemy. I felt like all this could be solved by a lie detector or by a conversation. Then Scarlett not believing that these obviously powerful and dangerous men could protect her from her delusional parents was also a bit bothersome. After being abused by my parents if I found some men who cared for me and have the power to protect me from them then I'd 1000% try to get them to save me.  Instead she goes along with her family (or so it seems) and looks to betray them.  I just need more information. The holes are still blaring and the simple solutions are being discarded for confusion. The spice couldn't even save this book. They're were definitely moments where I was like oh this is nice. But I mainly was like....--...--. 
   I'm curious enough to want to see what is going to happen in the next story. Hopefully we'll get done clarification on some of the questions the first book raised. If this one is still on the meh train though. I'll probably just have to live with the mystery. The spice was meh as well. I'd give it a 2 out of 5. The highlights to me were the individual moments Scarlett had with Prescott and Francis. The rest were boring... well minus the one with West. Overall I gave this a 3 but it's like on the lower end of 3. I'm not sure about recommending this yet. I'll have to see if book 2 makes up for some of the things missing in book 1.

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