The Silence Lies

    Hmm...I had high hopes for this book going in.  It's rare that you see someone write a female Don in mafia. So I was excited to see how this was going to be done and...I didn't like it. I didn't like it because it didn't feel like she had any power. She kept repeating it and those around her kept repeating it but she didn't believe it and neither did I. This also didn't have the feel of a mafia book. Like, everyone was so tied up in everyone that it didn't seem like she ever did Mafia things. It felt like an afterthought to send her to her clubs which apparently were always empty. She's never conducting any deals except when it comes to dealing with revenge. It just didn't give mafia. Luca and Levi getting together also felt kinda like outta left field. It was so random and abrupt that I literally looked at the book like wtf. Like 2 straight men just randomly kissed during an arguement. Then they easily kinda just flowed into being with each other. They put up more of a fight about sharing Sera than all of a sudden enjoying kissing a man. It was kinda weird. They never really expressed interest in each other or other men before so this was just dropped on us in a very disbelieving way. They also were kind of incompetent at their jobs. The surprises weren't surprising.  As soon as we see Gio on the phone, we know he's untrustworthy. He's hiding to make these calls.  Yeah, no. Untrustworthy. Best friends not being dead at the end... also kind of predictable. We never saw him at the funeral and the way he was a constant presence in the story just felt like we weren't done with him.  So him popping up at the end was more like an of course moment then a gasp  omg moment.  It just wasn't giving what I'd hope it would give. I was quite sad.
     The spice was nice. The scenes with Sera and the guys individually was fantastic. When they were together with Luca and Levi,  it felt weird. Like, do people really just DVP that easily? Again this was also their first interaction after a random kiss session... it just didn't vibe. I'd give it a 3 out of 5 still because the scenes were hot but.. also the one group scene felt incomplete. Overall I give this a 2 out of 5. There are better mafia books out there. I hope that we get a book where the Don is a woman and we feel it. That's what I'm looking for. But as always, give this book a try and see if you agree.


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