End of the Month Wrap Up- January 2024

 The first month of the year is complete and it was filled with a lot of change. There were a lot of ARCs and the return of one of the authors that first got me into my love of reading romance books. There was some amazing reads in this month so let's break them down!! Here are some of the amazing books that I managed to read this year!

Spiciest Read- Dark City Omega: Adam and Echo were here to bring the SPICE ok!! They were hot almost from the very beginning! I enjoyed not only getting to know them but I also enjoyed the spicy scenes! I look forward to getting to know them again in more of this series!

Fav Character- Rose (The Dragon's Rose): Rose was willing to put aside her hurt and go to a whole new world for her sister. She was willing to marry a person who she didn't know and try to make things work. Which she did. I admire her selflessness and willingness to go above and beyond for her family. Then once she was there, she didn't allow the fact that she was a human amongst dragons, stop her from doing what was necessary to save her new people.

Best Cover- The Dragon's Rose: Look at the cover of this book. Do I really need to say more? I mean it is absolutely STUNNING! This cover is one of those covers, that makes you immediately want to pick up the book without even knowing what it's supposed to be about! I can't wait to see the rest of these covers because this one was just amazing!

Top Baddie- Lilith (Legacy of Temptation): This lady is just evil. Imagine meeting your grandmother for the first time and she feels you up and starts using her power on you. Oh and that power, happens to be succubus powers. It's crazy to think about right. Then she uses your best friend to help kill the woman that you are falling for. She definitely was the craziest bad in the group of books that I've read this month. She also is out to kill her own children and grandchildren. Like come on. Definitely the top bad for this month.

Best Storyline- Legacy of Temptation: The storyline in this book was just what I needed after being in a slump. Everything flowed nicely and the interconnected storyline from the previous books was nice. I enjoyed getting to know Logan & Eva in this story and I look forward to getting to know the rest of the characters that I've met in this book.

Author of the Month- Larissa Ione: I have to welcome back one of the author's who first got me into reading. This book felt like she never stopped. It had some great moments on top of it being such a good read and nostalgic. I can't wait to read more from her! Welcome back!

Book of the Month- Legacy of Temptation: I really liked this book and it received the highest rating from me this month. I can't wait for more of this series and I think that I'm going to go back and re-read the Demonica series. This actually makes me want to read more of the older series that first got me into PNR and other sub-genres.

We're off to February and I can't wait for more reads in this month!  Things have started out pretty good so far! Let me know what some of your favorite reads are in this month!


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