Twisted - Review

 I really liked this book!! I mean this series has been amazing to me! I really have enjoyed the characters and way that there is just enough things thrown into the story to make you realize which one this one is an re-imagining of but there is a new twist. Expect the unexpected! Before I state this, I want to say I accidentally skipped Wretched, so don't bite my head off when I say.....I think these 2 are my second favorite couple so far. They are neck and neck with Tristan and Sara. I love that Yasmin was ready to kill for her love. If you are looking for a soft wall flower kind of love then this is not it. This love was built in the trenches and both of them were ready to do whatever it takes to be with the other once they discovered how they felt. I also think the story of Yasmin's father is one that is going to resonate with a lot of people. It's also going to be a little triggering for people as well. I think that it was good to add this into the story because it added depth to BOTH characters. Living in your truth should be the theme for this book. Both Julian and Yasmin had to learn how to do this in order to grow and be the better version of themselves for each other as well as for themselves. Though I will say that the one thing that kind of threw a wrench in this for me was the betrayal. I won't say who it was specifically but I hate that this person did what they did. They aren't in the story that much but this is the second time that a betrayal like this has happened in the series and at this point it's almost expected. It also manages to undermine the character that gets betrayed. It almost makes it seem like they are gullible instead of being a strong character. That and there is one thing that happened towards the end that had my SMDH when I heard it. Like, don't say something is important and then do the opposite thing the next moment! Like when it matters the MOST you do exactly what you know you shouldn't do! But that's normal character head shaking from me.

    The spice in this book was rather good! I enjoyed just about every scene with Julian and Yasmin that was smexy. It was hot and lasted for just the right amount of time. It wasn't pages upon pages yet it also wasn't one paragraph short. I give this a 4 out of 5. Overall I enjoyed this book and have been really enjoying this series. Now this is a side note for the audiobook version since this is how I read it.....I didn't really care for Julians voice. It just...idk was a little weird and stilted at times. Then with Yasmin, I wanted her to have a bit more of an accent but I loved that she sounded authentic to where the character is from. Also, I haven't really mentioned this in the review of this series but THANK YOU for having different narrators for each book! It makes each character unique and memorable! I know it is costly but it is so worth it in my opinion! I am going to go back and read Wretched so look out for that after I complete one of my re-read series!!


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