Ensnared - Review

 I liked reading this book. The dynamics between the men in this book was definitely very interesting. Dom, Beau, Lucky, Jasper and Jayk are all such interesting characters! I think at this point my top 2 guys are Jayk and Beau! Eden definitely has her hand full with these guys. She is walking into a group of guys that are a little broken just like she is and hopefully they will be able to fill each others missing pieces. I also need to say that I really enjoy reading post apocalyptic books. Pushing the reset button on the world and having people almost be on an even playing field but still have the knowledge from the current world is a genre that just perfection to me. So of course in situations like this the people have to make the most of what they have. Eden manages to do just that on her own for awhile. Until she gets found by some unsavory characters that run her into the guys. From there she has to decide what she is willing to do to survive. She manages to discover sides to herself that she didn't even know existed. I liked the world, the different characters and even though Eden made me yell at my phone/kindle a few times, I enjoyed her as well. I can't wait to see how things progress from here! Even though we were left on a cliff hanger of all cliff hangers!

The spice in this book was really good! I would definitely give it a 4 out of 5! Eden getting to experience more with the guys and the difference dynamics between her and them was really nice. Not to mention we almost immediately jump into it after she gets to the house with all of the guys. Overall, I would like to return to the Brutes world and I've already downloaded the next book in this series! I have some other books that I have to read in the meantime but I am definitely coming back to this one. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes Why Choose, BDSM and post apocalyptic reads! 


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