Giving the Dragon Ice - Review


This book was....different. It was definitely not what I thought it was going to be. Usually when there is a shifters they still have humanish babies. Well when they were discussing it in this book they definitely laid eggs. I wanted to delve further into this. I was very intrigued. Does the shifter lay the egg in dragon form? Does she stay in dragon form for the majority of the time until she has the egg? Is there multiple eggs or just one. I know that from reading the story that she definitely didn't stay in dragon form despite an egg growing in her body so I want to know the science behind that. Also there apparently is only one egg? So I guess it kinda follows human biology there? This was probably the most interesting part of this story for me. I was slightly obsessed with figuring this out. On the other hand the rest of the story had quite a few hic cups for me. Like the fact that they made the race thing weird. I know people hate discussing this but as someone who this affects on a regular basis sometimes, it is important that nuance is followed. With this one it was strange how they had a conversation about the fact that the MMC was a dragon...and they mainly tend to be focused in Ireland but he's black. Then they focused on the fact that he had a preference for felines (mainly lionesses) since they tend to come from Africa. It was just...weird to insert something that didn't seem to be a main focus. The author tended to stray away from describing the skin tones of the characters only to make that a focal point. Not to mention in the conversation that the characters had, they almost made it weird that this was something that he liked. It was such a weird thing that when the MMC brought up his parents, and having a half sister, I really wanted to have a discussion on it since it was so weirdly brought up. This makes me want to have a discussion on black women and the lack of them in so many of the books I read. The fact that right now there is an influx of black MMC in stories but a distinct lack of black women is really kind of irritating to me. I won't discuss it more than that here since me bringing it up in the first place, mainly had to deal with being in the context of the story. That'll be a different post for a different day.  Back to the story, I didn't like the way the FMC acted. She was upset and angry with the MMC and was truly acting silly imo when it came to dealing with the fact that they were fated mates. After having a conversation with her grandmother and her father about the whole situation with her mother, she should have had a different response to being with someone as a fated mate as opposed to a chosen one. It made me very upset with her and her reactions afterwards. 

The spice in this book was ok. It was also another highlight of the story for me. The chemistry between these two when it came to the spice was nice. I gave it a 4 out of 5. As for the overall is closer to a 3 out of 5 for me. I didn't really care for a lot of the things that the FMC did. The way that things just seemed to jump all over the place was a lot. I think the author was trying to do a little too much when she already had a great set up. Adding in the golden dragon thing with the witches and the curse and all that was not needed. Especially when we were already dealing with the father issue along with the fact that he kinda worked under her dad and the best friend being the step brother. That was enough. This book was short and all that information was just over kill and made me just want the whole thing to end sooner than later. I probably would not recommend this book to others since for me it was just a very all over the place book. As always though, remember that this is just how I felt about the book and you should definitely give it a read yourself to see how you like it!


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