Daughter of No World's - Review

 This book was probably better than I thought it was going to be. I really enjoyed the characters and the world that was built. It was very light on the romance but it definitely managed to shine through when needed. I also would like to add that it did feel like it kind of dragged at certain points in the story and I would have liked if some things were sped up a little. Other than that though things were nice. The story of Max and how he came to be how he was, was tragic. Of course that's the truth of some of the "heroes" of wars. I am interested in seeing how things continue in the next book. Not only with Max, but definitely with Tisannah and the order. I also want to say that I listened to this in it's audiobook form and this was it was um...interesting. You could hear everything with this audio. I mean everything. Every breath that the voice actors took, any noise in their background, page turns and everything. I have been spoiled with these full cast audios and I think that this book would definitely benefit from that treatment. Storywise, I liked that this was almost a rags to fame type of story. Tisannah, took herself from nothing and was able to return and help those who were like her. Freedom always has a cost and she was willing to pay it if it meant freedom for those like her and those she loved. As she grows in strength and power, it will be interesting to see how this effects her world view and how much change she is going to be able to make. The man who she fancied as her savior definitely has some plans for her that she may not look forward to having to deal with so that is definitely going to make book 2 interesting. The political machinations that is happening in the background with the order is going to change things for both Tisannah and for Max in ways that I think neither one of them is going to expect.

There wasn't really a lot of spice in this book and the scenes that we did have was very light. I'd give this a 2 out of 5 for spice. It was nice to see that someone who has been through what Tisannah had been through was able to still enjoy that type of intimacy. The beauty of the relationship that grew between her and Max was beautiful. Overall, I give this a 3 out of 5. I enjoyed the story and will definitely continue this series. I also have another book from this author that I am looking forward to starting. I would recommend this book to those who want something that is a little lighter on the spice and has a good story.


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