Wretched - Review

 I really enjoyed this book! I feel like we rarely get to explore romance books where the FMC is the "bad guy" who is out doing the bad deeds and is a power in her own right. We get that in more with Evelyn in this book! She works in the shadows but is a boss to be reckoned with. Once she's sent out on a mission you might as well say it's complete! I really enjoyed her and all her flaws. I loved that despite all the things that were out to make her truly into someone bad she still managed to have a soft side. Even though the only person who was really able to see it was Nick. I liked that this time he was the one who had to grapple with the idea of loving someone who was out here taking folks out left and right. There was an edge of danger to everything that he experienced with Evelyn before they actually gave into each other.  Seeing him grapple with his demons and his morality was such a nice change! Even though everyone would say that her actions were bad at the end of the book. I don't blame her for anything. There are people who should always be in your corner and hers weren't so they had to go. 

The spice in this book was also really good. The angst between these two characters was off the charts. So when they did give it, it was H O T! I give the spice a very high 4. Nearly a 5! Overall, I give this book a 4 out of 5. I'm telling you, this series has yet to really let me down. I love it! I enjoyed everything about this book and would read it again in a heartbeat! I can't wait to get to Crossed and Hexed when it comes out. I say if you are debating on whether or not to start this series that you just DO IT! There is almost nothing to lose! Some of the MMC can be annoying and make you want to just side eye them like what? but at the same time they are all really relatable. They aren't so hardcore one way that you couldn't see them being someone you could meet in the real world. That's another nod for this series so far! I would recommend this series to anyone who loves when the FMCs are just as bad as the MMCs we love. She is strong and takes no BS! This is the series for you! Pick it up NOW!! 


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