A Summoned Husband - ARC Review

This book was...different. You can essentially say it was a full cast novel. Every character had a personality and you got to know all of them. Like all of them. This book probably took place over like a week or something so every day felt detailed out. Every hour was filled. Eden, our FMC, was intensely relatable. She was hanging out with her girls and ended up married to a demon, after a drunken night of wine and good times. This started a landslide of events that was crazy and unexpected! Her relationship with her friends and her grandparents was something I think we all have had at one point. I really enjoyed that. Even the annoying parts of friendships and elders. I felt more like this was a who dun it than focused mainly on the Romance. Eden does fall for Asmodeus, said demon husband, but it took a backseat to the story. If love to learn more about the witches. They seemed to have an interesting story to tell. I was definitely more invested in figuring out what they had going on then seeing Asmodeus try to see how many times Eden could orgasm before she became incoherent. 

The spice was ok. I was not as invested in it as I would have liked to be. I give it a 2 or of 5. There was maybe 2 scenes that focused on them getting it on but I would have been ok with one. Overall I'd give this book a 3! There was some parts that caused things to bog down and slowed the pacing a lot. There was also a lot of characters and to make them worth being there we had to get to know them a little. They are all very involved in the story so there was really no way around it. The story was still enjoyable even though it got bogged down. The banter between everyone is funny and makes the characters relatable. Even the "villains" were relatable! I would recommend this to anyone who needed an intro to PNR. As always check this book out and see how you like it! 


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