Watchers - ARC Review

What a Rollercoaster ride that was!! My emotions were up and down and all around!! I'm so glad we get to see a glimpse of how Cass and Dame are doing!! I really loved them as a couple and I hope we get more as this series progresses!! This story though was about Bash and Syl! I'm so glad we got to see the other side of her. From the first book she was just a desperate woman who wasn't exactly the nicest. In this book we get to see the motivation behind her actions and how Pack Singer and it's ways has effected so many people and their psyche. This book was a little deeper on that side in that we see 2 new sides to the issue than from book 1. I felt for both of them as they struggled to fit into roles that neither of them wanted or had a choice in. The rules forced on them by the pack also affected their other relationships with family members as we see detailed even more in this book. I really liked how all this was explained and explored throughout this book. Also the fact that we didn't know Bash's real name until later was brilliant! Everytime we see things from his perspective it's just The Watcher. Spoiler alert! Bash isn't his actual name! I really liked this story. It was fantastic!

The spice in this book was amazing! The way things were differentiated between sex with someone you care about and have a connection with to just mindless coupling was perfectly done! 5 out of 5 on the spice!! Heck 5 out of 5 overall! I loved this! I feel like everything was done perfectly. I understood the characters, their motivations, their pain so perfectly in these few pages. I wanted to give Syl a good shake a few times but I also understood WHY she felt the way she did. Just perfection! I hope a certain someone who I despised by the end of book 1 gets a chance to redeem themselves even more. Hopefully they will advocate and help others who they find in a situation like this know that there are other options. They don't have to just be the perfect pack breeders, guards or watchers. Time will tell I guess. I also want more of Pack Cass!! I want to see how things develop more with them! The roles and the additions. How their Pack has affected everyone else in this world. I'm just, I need more. I'm invested now. This world is amazing and I need more of it. This series has been the perfect balance between page burning spice, plot and character development. HIGHLY recommend this series. Omegaverse lovers, shifters lovers, PNR lovers...yeah this is the one! Get it now!! 


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