Satin & Steel - Review


This book reintroduces us to Frost and Hailee. We met them in the first book but now we get to see how they became a couple. Not to mention we also get to see how the fall out of the situation with the Reapers is going to be. Now it also introduces us to another MC known as the Jokers. This introduction brought in a mafia family as well. This is my first time reading from this author so this feels like a tie in to another series with how the Mazitti Crime family is introduced to us. Either way new BA women was brought to the scene and I will never say no to strong FMCs. Now though this adds in some issues on multiple fronts. Of course we get introduced to more people who I could see having something to do with the next books. The way that things play out in this book though was crazy! As soon as you think things are resolved everything kinda blows up in the faces of the characters that we have come to know and love. This book ends on a cliff hanger where we don't know what is about to happen. Of course my new favorite hashtag is in full force in this book, #parentsbehavingbadly. Due to this we see how things start to crumble towards the end. I'm interested to see who is going to be the next couple as well as how they are going to resolve things.

The spice in this book was ok. I enjoyed it. I give it a 4 out of 5. Overall, I liked the story. Things advanced pretty quickly in this book. From Frost & Hailee just meeting to them claiming each other and then basically becoming a couple. I expected things to take longer to develop than it did but then again things went quickly in the first book as well. I'd recommend this to anyway who likes fast paced romance, MC trope and of course the ever present parents who behave terribly to their kids.


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