End of the Month Review - August 24

 I did not get to as many books as I wanted or was supposed to this month. August is just going to be a really rough month for me. But with it in my rear view, I am looking forward to September and what it will bring! I had some great reads this month! I can't say that there was really any books that were disappointing for me! I enjoyed all of the books that I had the opportunity to read. Even if they were not what I was looking for I would always suggest that you always pick up a book for yourself. Every story isn't for everyone but when they are, they are GREAT! So with that being said, let's recap the 12 books that I managed to read this month! 

Favorite Character - Honor (Beneath Your Beautiful): I absolutely loved Honor. She went through so much in this book that I just can't imagine. The way that her husband treated her and the manipulation that he was doing to everyone around him. It was just terrible so the fact that she had the strength to still realize that she needed to leave and that she deserved better! I loved that. Then once she was able to find strength in herself and love again the get back that he received was amazing! I would like to think that in a situation like this, I would behave the same way. The strength she exhibited was awe inspiring.

Best Cover- Queen Takes Knights: It would have taken an absolutely amazing, eye melting cover to take this win away from this book. I try to not let my re-reads take too many of these because clearly I already love them but whew. This cover is just amazing. I can't help but stare at it all the time. I hope I can get this in hardcover to display on my shelves. The uniformity of this series with how it progresses with the covers is just amazing. This one by far though is my favorite. Also honorable mention to The Wolf's Mate. The aesthetic of that cover is just beautiful!

Best Voice Actors- Stay With Me & Halfway to the Grave: This was a tie because I loved the different things about these books. So with Halfway to the Grave, I listened to the graphic audio version of this book and the way the many voice actors were able to make these characters come to life was just amazing to me. I am definitely listening to the rest of this series in graphic audio. I didn't want to detract from the other books that didn't have this version available which is why there are 2 winners here. Stay With Me had a great cast as well! I really enjoyed the accent they used for Ryan. The actors also just plain did a great job of portraying these characters! I'd recommend both of these to any audible readers!

Top Baddie- Mafia Scars & Beneath Your Beautiful: I don't think I've had this many ties before but I just couldn't choose! Victor in Mafia Scars is truly a frightening individual. As we learn more about him from Luc, it just makes things worse. This man is truly despicable and the fact that they haven't caught him yet is just plain scary! If this man is the least of our problems and the man who hired him is worse, then I just have nothing to say and I quite literally don't want to meet him. Now in Beneath Your Beautiful, this man is the worst kind as well. He is supposed to love and cherish his wife but instead he does the most heinous things to her. Then the fact that he is someone who has painted this amazing persona for everyone to see on the outside makes things that much worse!! These two men are just trash and at least I can rest easy knowing that one of them got what they deserved!

Spiciest Book- Queen Takes Knights: This book is just hot from the very beginning. Though it is short the spice is just off the charts. The characters mesh well together, the spice is done well and the way everything just flows is just perfect. I really enjoyed everything about this book. It can definitely be categorized as erotica.

Best Storyline- Stay With Me & Beneath Your Beautiful: Stay With Me had a great story! It was so relatable and made it easy to fall for the characters in this book. They could have been me and you or someone you know. I really love that about this book. The way that things flowed just felt so authentic that I just fell for it. I can't wait to read more from this author and this series! Beneath Your Beautiful made me want to devour it. There is just something about it that just hooks you. This is another one that could just be someone you know. There are so many people who are out there suffering in relationships and marriages just like Honor was. There are so many people out there who are survivors who need this type of confirmation that it is ok to feel how you feel and sometimes you don't want to be treated like precious china but like a person who went thorough something but had the strength to survive. That's why these two were definitely the top for me this month.

Author of the Month- Alexandria House: I have so been looking for something like this. An author who just made me fall for the characters and the characters LOOK like me. The characters are going through relatable situations with their family members just like me. It was just a fantastic read and for that I am definitely jumping into this authors backlog! I want to celebrate finding someone like her so here she is! Author of the Month! Go start the Strickland Sisters series now!

Book of the Month- Beneath Your Beautiful: I really just couldn't put this book down. Shout out to The Butterfly Bookclub for having this as their book for July. I really enjoyed this book. It was very hard to put down and I was just amazed at the FMC's strength when it came to what she had to go through. I loved the side characters who we met in this book and definitely wouldn't mind something were we get to see them again. They were all fantastic. I would definitely recommend this book to any dark contemporary romance lovers. This book has some triggers in it for sure so check that before you start!


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