My Solemn Vow- ARC review

My Solemn Vow by Jaeger Rose was a really great read!! One thing I love about reading a book from this author, is the feeling of everything being cohesive and feeling like there is an uninterrupted flow. We get that and more in this book! Valor is a single dad by day and a alpha, wolf shifter mafia information extractor by night. We are introduced to him and his adorable daughter as they are navigating life as the future alpha and head of the Irish mob. Next we meet Antonella, a woman stuck in an Italian mob family that sticks to antiquated beliefs while wanting more for herself. Then comes a lot of fake identities and saving a child from being kidnapped and viola, arranged marriage. We went very classic mob story with this one and I can't believe that this is something that I kind of missed. I feel like a lot of stories now, has the FMC being modest enough that they wait for awhile before they consummate the marriage. Which don't get me wrong, I like it, because it gives a lot of the characters depth but I have missed the near trauma bonding of having to show the sheets the next day. Very Victorian of me. So this pushed them together faster then some of the other mafia stories that I've read recently has and I really enjoyed that. I don't mean to reiterate this so much BUT it really has been a thing me recently. I loved that this story MADE SENSE. Like I know that that should be something that is normal for a story but there are many out there that just jump from one thing to another with no logical explanation and there is no flow. So the fact that we get this in spades in this story was nice. There was only hiccup and I will talk about that a little later in this review. 

We get pack dynamics along with a dose of mafia brutality and I must say that these 2 sub genre's really mix well together. In a way I didn't expect. We get the loyalty of a pack along with the brutality of shifters brought to world that can be very dark and very  dangerous. I have only read I think 1 series prior to this that managed to capture this perfectly like this story did. Antonella and Valor definitely felt like a really good match. Now on to the one hiccup. Remember how much I've been talking about flow...well the end portion of this book, really just hit a blip with it. The randomness of the situation that leads to Antonella being reasonably upset with Valor was really crazy. Up til the point this happens we pretty much believe that he trust his wolf and sense of smell and for him to just go berserk at that moment for the reasons given was a little...random? I mean I even scrolled back to make sure that I was not missing a chapter. It really just threw me for a loop how we went from one chapter to the next. Then if you are one for groveling...there didn't feel like there was enough for the extreme nature of the wrong doing. Like, the way that he should have groveled should have been chapters longer than it was. The ending felt very abrupt. I'm glad we got to where we were going that felt like a going on a random turn on a roller-coaster.

As for the spice, Jaeger Rose has never let me down and I was not let down with this book. The spice was very nice and wasn't too much. There was just the right amount of spice in this book. I gave this a solid 4 out of 5 for spice. Overall I enjoyed this journey into the mafia world with Valor and Antonella. I definitely think that anyone who has appreciated the books from this authors other pen name would enjoy this book as well. It still brings the shifters and their quirks to the mafia realm. I can't wait for more in this series! 


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