Why Read Romance?


        The typical answer I think that people think to get when they ask why does someone read romance is because they are missing out on something. They don't have actual romance in their real lives so they have to read about it through books. Which for the most part is not true. Most of the people who I know and interact with who are huge readers of the romance genre are married women...happily married women. It's more about the excitement that comes along with the story that has falling in love at the core. Seeing these big strong men who usually don't bend for anyone decide to take a step back and make an exception for this special person in their lives is a beautiful thing to see. Not to mention being able to relate to a character who has been through a situation is even better when it works out for them when it may not have worked out for you. I mean when someone reads a murder mystery does that mean automatically that they are thinking of becoming a murderer? Maybe they relate the people who are the murders...not true..hopefully. There for using this same logic for people who enjoy romance just doesn't seem to hold true. 

        There are so many different things that you can explore while enjoying a little romance that makes the story that much better. Sure the MMC is a hunk of meat with endless abs and the biggest d*** you've ever seen but it's all a part of the journey. Of course you could also read modern or more realistic romance and also close door romance if that is your cup of tea. I think that people who read this genre feel a little like they have to hide because out of all the books and genres out there, this one gets the worst rap. If something isn't for you then it doesn't have to be, it doesn't mean that you have to down someone who does like it (unless it's incest...gross).

        I started reading romance when I was young and impressionable. Did I believe that all men were going to come and sweep you off your feet like they did in the historical romance books that I started with in this genre...no. Did I wish that they did do that....heck yeah. It gave me some realistic expectations while allowing me to also let my imagination run wild. Yes, realism in romance, who would have thought. The ability that a lot of the characters had at problem solving in some of the books that I read in the beginning is what I mean. I never thought about talking things out with a S/O like how some of the characters did. It also helped me see how the breakdown in communication can cause a lot of pain when you go around assuming things. Everyone is different, so just because you came to one conclusion doesn't mean that the next person is going to arrive at the same destination as you.

        My first romance books were anything by Johanna Lindsey and then Christine Feehan. From there I hit the road running and was a regular at my local library. Then there were no ebooks for instant access to books. I had to wait and then always peruse the shelves every month to see what else came in. Those were some exciting times. Now it still is but at the same time it's different. Since the world has opened up there is also this rush to hurry and be the first person to get something and then lord it over others. Weird but to each his own. My favorite sub-genres have to been PNR (paranormal) and fantasy. Though I do dabble in historical and contemporary every now and then, there is just something about being able to imagine things that aren't here in this world that makes reading those sub-genres, that much more enjoyable. Some sub-genres I don't like are definitely YA (young adult) and this obsession people are starting to have with incest books. I don't care for YA because I feel like it's a tease plus the people in the book tend to be younger so there is a sense of innocence in what their stories tend to be. Which there is nothing wrong with that, it's just not my preference. Now as for the incest things...it's just gross to me and supports family members who are overall grooming and abusing young people when they are in a vulnerable state. So I just can't get on board with that and it is the one thing that I will definitely look at someone different about if that's their jam. 

        So leave me some comments with what you think!! What is your favorite genre?!? What do you like about it? Give me some recs for when I wanna try something different. It doesn't have to be romance, it can be anything. I wanna know why YOU love it. Till next week!! See ya!!


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