End of the Month Wrap Up - February '24 Edition


This month has been filled with a bunch of ARCs for me!! I can't believe that I was able to read so many books this month! Everyone of them has been worth it! Even the ones that I didn't like as much. Salute to all of these authors for getting the thoughts out of their minds and onto the pages and letting us be able to read it. Hopefully I can keep this up for next month and then I'll blow through the rest of these books and the challenge as well. It's that time again though, the end of the month wrap up! This month there are some books that are going to dominate the categories. These books have stuck with me since I read them and I can't wait to read more! Have you read any of these books? Let me know what you think of where I put them?

Prettiest Cover: Scorch - Look at this cover. I mean, do I even really have to say anything else? Look at Ansel? This man is beautiful and I just can't stop looking at this cover! Even the color palate that was chosen for this book goes along with the vibe. It's such a chill fall color that I feel like matches Ansel so well. Drool...

Top Book Baddie: Queen Mab- There is absolutely NO ONE else who could have gotten this reward this month. The way I can't stand this woman should be studied. The hatred that I feel towards Mab is uncontrollable. I can't wait for her to be defeated because MAN! It is a long time coming.

Favorite Character: Seraphina- This one was hard because it was either going to be Seraphina or it was going to be Ansel. I really liked Ansel because I feel like I could relate to him as a person but Seraphina is amazing and she had to face down her death and keep going. The way that we know that her anger is going to be a major plot point in the story later on is something that I can't wait to see. Also the fact that she refuses to allow Kolis to win, despite everything that is going on currently.

Spiciest Book: A Light in the Flame- This book had the right amount of everything in it. The way that Sera and Nyktos was able to come back to each other made the spice that much better! I can't believe that I waited for so long to read this. I'm going to be continuing this series and I can't wait to learn more about Sera and the prophecies. 

Best Storyline: A Light in the Flame- I really liked how things progressed in this book. There wasn't really anything that felt out of place in this book. The flow of the story was amazing. How things were able to just flow was what really made this amazing. The cliffhangar was insane! I couldn't wait to finish the book so I could move onto the next book in this series.

Author of the Month:Sarah Jaeger- This release was great! I can't even say how much I love this series. With the release of Scorch, this book actually had me more into the MMC than the FMC which was a first for me. It was probably one of my favorites so far in the series. Though with all the characters that we have met so far, I can't wait to get their story. Hopefully we do get them! I can't wait for Deacon and Magnus and Revecca's story! Back to back she knocks things out of the park! Definitely pick up this series from her if you haven't already!

Book of the Month:A Light in the Flame- I really loved everything about this book. I don't think that I can express that enough I really like this series and this book. I was ready to immediately jump into the next book in this series but I had to put a sock in it since I had so many other ARCs to read. I'm fully looking forward to reading more in this series as well as the Blood and Ash series.


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