Spark of Obsession - Review

This book was definitely not for me. I struggled to get through it before I reached 50%. So I'm going to list some things (spoiler free) I didn't like then give the things I did like. I did not like that there was so much happening. The FMC had a little cut off everything going on. She had trauma, school, a stalker and a creep all at the same time. Now all of that would be fine if they weren't all made to seem important. Like the trauma kept popping up at random times,  which is normal.  There is no time-line for when those emotions go away but it was how it was used in this story that was just a lot. Not like triggering to me or overwhelming but it just seemed like if this was there alone without the 15 other things happening,  it would be a good plot to see how she deals with this and how she got better from it. Instead it's mixed in with everything else in a very overwhelming way. I really wanted her to seek help because it wasn't healthy. Then let's add in the MMC/Stalker. This man needs so medication. He has the emotional range of a teenager. He didn't come off as an adult man except for in the begging when she first meets him. The throwing of the tantrums, random yelling, the way he was expressing himself was childish to me. I could not really vibe with him at all. Like it gave off that we were being told he was one way instead of the character emitting it himself. Which he was emitting child in a man's body instead of hot stalker man. Also we have her dealing with school which actually wasn't too bad. I can't complain about how the school aspect was handled. It was pretty realistic. Now the creep part has me side eyeing the FMC like GIRLLL. So there is a character who she meets who is clearly up to no good. Everything about this man screams bad guy in like the actual dangerous bad guy way. Instead of trying to stay away from this guy,  she is actively fighting to get closer to him... for school, and as a F you to our MMC who is also actively trying to keep her away from this guy. Like MA'AM. There is no way your creep o meter isn't pinging over 9000 for this man!! Then instead of trying to investigate and follow HIM more she goes after stalker man to investigate. After he just banged her brains out. I am confusion!!! MMC deserves to be investigated but not because he's a bad guy but more so because of this weird relationship he has with this random chick. Investigate that ma'am. I was disappointed in a lot of the actions that the FMC took in this book.  Which all of this left me feeling very unsatisfied by the end of the book.  None of the loose ends felt tied up.  I understand there is a second book but to leave EVERYTHING hanging just makes me feel like "why did I even read this". The cliffhanger didn't make me want to find out more. It actually had me just staring at the book like really.... this is how it ends. I just have no motivation to read book 2.
   The spice was meh. There was more trading than anything. By the time the spice happened I really didn't care.  I was not invested and the FMC didn't really seem to be either. It just kinda happened. It didn't increase their relationship or anything. I gave the spice a 2. I can't give it a 1 because something did happen but it just was paragraphs at that point. Overall I give this book a 2. I really didn't enjoy reading this and I really thought about DNFing when I was at 64% but I was hoping some things would be explained by the end only for it to NOT be. That was disappointing. There wasn't much I liked about this book since the characters were everywhere all at once but also no where. I always say though just because something wasn't my cup of tea doesn't mean it isn't someone else's. Give this book a try, authors should always be commended for putting their work out there. That takes a lot of work. 


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