Great Ending to a Fantastic Story
This ending tied up just about everything that was left open from the previous book. We find out who the killer is which I'll admit was kinda a shock to me. I thought it would be someone else who we hadn't met who had a connection to the men. Instead it's someone with a connection to Chiara!! I won't spoil it for you incase you're just here to see if reading this last book is worth it (it is). My only complaints about this book is how some of the things that happened didn't seem like smart ideas and that's how they ended up in bad situations but then again... not everyone makes the best decisions all the time.
The spice was spicy ok. I loved every moment of reading about Chiara being with her men and the bonus scene was nice. I haven't read a purely MM book but I do enjoy when they happen with a woman involved. Not to mention that the guys in this series seem to be so tightly bonded that I'm not surprised this happened with 2 of them. I appreciated that the others were accepting of the situation and it just helped to further their bond. I'd give this book a 4 out of 5 on the steamy scale. Overall I gave this a 4 out of 5. I sped through this book. I'd definitely recommend this series!!
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