My Pages Are Still on Fire!


  Holy cheese grater! This book was S P I C Y. Like this author did not come to play.  She wanted you just as turned on as these characters were because wow.  Like this book was out of this world hot.  I was looking for something like this after my last read and this book delivered.  If you're in the mood for some erotica, look no further than this book. The story was there to touch your nerdy heart and to give you hope because wow.  This book is pretty much for the gamer girls and guys and I love that for us. I felt seen with some of the things that happened in this book because as a gamer girl myself you solstice attach yourself to these gamer guys but you never say anything vice versa.  This book definitely encourages you to go for it.  Let that person know how you feel because you never know what could happen. 
     This book is a 10 out of 5 on the spice scale. Glitch and Ara were tearing it up any and everywhere and we were burning up right with them. The overall story is pretty short since this book is mainly them sexing it up but it was an interesting mini story.  If recommend this book if you're looking for something that is mainly spice with a little plot.  We need those books sometimes because the emotional and heavy books just have us drained!! 


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