Queen Takes Rook - Review

 We are back again with Shara and the guys and this time she is gearing up to make her move against the Triune. Everything is not all grand with things with Mayte as Shara prepares to leave. She ends up encountering Ra's minions once again. Again Shara is able to prevail but not before she has to make a promise that brings her to tears to make. Even though she doesn't want to do it, for the good of everyone she knows she must. After finally returning home and getting a chance to hang out and recharge with her guys, she begins to make her big move. A lot of layers gets pulled back when she goes to New York to confront her first Queen. There are so many reveals here that if you weren't ready, you would almost get drowned in all the information that comes here. It was sad and yet satisfying to read. As a mother myself you can really feel for the characters during this sequence in the book. You would do just about any and everything for your child. Here we see that displayed in spades. Whether it's good or bad, at the end of the day, a mother is a mother. I liked that we get this big fight against another powerful Queen. We see how the experience that each of the Blood has is able to help Shara make the right decisions as she makes these power moves. We also get a pretty good display of where she stands compared to another Queen. Though this one is still not as strong or nearly as old as some of the other Queens that she will have to fight later on if she truly wants to go against the Triune. It's nice to see where she stands. 

Now you know Shara and the guys are going to keep it spicy right. So, I definitely gave this a 4 out of 5. They keep it hot and heavy and I enjoyed it. Overall, I liked this entry in the series. I liked seeing how Shara stacked up against a Triune backed Queen. The fact that she went about it the way that she did, made things 10 times better and more satisfying. Though we don't get to see the full fall out of what is happening in this book, I can't wait to continue onto the next book. I have enjoyed the audible for this series as well, even though I hope at some point we are able to get a full cast audio book! I would definitely still recommend this series to anyone who likes spicy vampire reads. It's short and sweet and makes you wanna throw something when it ends. 


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