What's In A Rating??

 It's time for my mid month update!! I have been on a reading spree!! It has been so fun! I have been finding so many fun and amazing books and authors!! I'm on track to read more books than I did last month and that's crazy because I think last month was a record! I read 12 books last month which most of them were ARC's. The shortest month but had the most books read. So, along with updating everyone on my progress with my goodreads challenge, I also want to update everyone with where I am in regards to my ratings. So I have a pretty solid chart with how things fall with my spice but I don't think I've really ironed out my actual rating scale for everyone. I'll be making this a separate post as well but I want to also add it here while it's heavily on my mind. 

    When it comes to the rating of books, this is pretty much how I rate them:

  1. Would not recommend. Probably DNF'd. I usually try not to post these on my other socials because it can be hurtful for the author to see. Though they will pop up on my End of the Month Wrap-Up. I won't put that I DNF'd them. It'll probably just be lumped with the 2 star reads. These books tend to have had some kind of major problem for me or I just was not interested. I try to give a book a really big chance while I am reading and I will go all the way past 50% even if I am struggling. So if it gets this rating or DNF'd then it really wasn't good to me
  2. This usually means that I would not recommend this book. It was ok. Not bad enough to DNF but definitely not good enough for me to have felt really anything towards the book. This is more than likely due to the plot not making sense or if some of what was happening was not believable. I will post these on my social media because I think that this deserves to me notated to my peeps. I will not tag the author in these reviews but they will appear in the End of the Month Wrap-Up.
  3. This is my base level rating. Every book comes in with this as where I will rate them. From here they will either move up or down based on how much I like them. To me this is not a bad rating. It just means that the book was ok but nothing to really write home about. I will probably recommend these books but only if this is a trope that someone will already like. I try to make sure that I specify what trope I think is the main theme in this book. That way those that enjoy that particular trope will definitely like the book regardless. For the most part, I still like these books and this is not a bad rating from me. I think that right now in book culture a 3 is seen as bad so at the moment I do not tag the authors in these reviews. You will see this in my End of the Month Wrap-Up and posted on my other socials.
  4. This is when a book a book is really good! I enjoyed the book overall but there was some things that I just couldn't look past. These things are usually stuff like plot holes and dragging in certain areas when I needed it to pick up. Though it's usually minor. I will definitely recommend these books and they will appear in my End of the Month Wrap- Up. I will tag the authors in these reviews on my socials. These books tend to be balanced with spice and story. Sometimes there are even a few that don't have spice but are more of a slow burn that I put in this category. I can even love hate the book and put it here. 
  5. If you reach this level then I am probably raving about this book. This book was absolute perfection and I couldn't ask for more. Like everything about this book was something that I love. No downtime, perfect spice, plot was dang near perfection. I would highly recommend this book! It's probably one that is going to stick with me for awhile. I love these types of books. If I'm thinking of the plot randomly while day dreaming or heck if I even start thinking of alternate plots in my head, it's a 5. These books will be featured in my End of the Month Wrap-Up and I will tag the author. These tend to be the books that sweep when it comes to the Wrap Ups.
This was a thick one but I definitely like having this out there so when people look at my ratings they understand the thought process that went into giving it that rating. With that being said, I think this is going to be it's own post and then on the next one, I will give my actual update lol. Let me know what you think of my ratings? How do you rate your books?                 


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