Fire In His Blood - Review


I read this book awhile ago and yet it still managed to make an impression on me. Enough that I started to eat up Ruby Dixon's backlog. Though I never reviewed it or anything. Here I am now going back and listening to it in the audiobook form. Shout out to the male voice actor because the amount of times that he had to repeat that same stretch of words when Kyle was in the madness was intense!  So yes, this book features a dystopian theme that I didn't know I loved so much until I jumped into this series. The whole idea of the world being forced to reset and people going back to the things that really mattered, hit home for me. Kyle and Claudia were some very interesting characters. Claudia was someone who did what she had to do to provide for those that she cares for. She definitely had the oldest child syndrome. I applaud her for her strength and for not taking anything from those in power. Even though she was powerless to stop them. When she meets Kyle, the stumble through the language barrier as well as a very big culture difference. Yet they were still able to make it work. The linguist in me loved how they were able to take basic things and communicate with each other. There is definitely a lot lost with how difficult that can be when in  a lot of books that I've read that feature this type of language barrier, there is some kind of technology that allows them to escape this. I think even Ruby was able to skip over this in another one of her series since it was more of an alien book (that's going to be in my series re-read as well). Overall, I didn't feel like there was a lull in the action and I really enjoyed getting to know more about the dragons. Though since I've read a few books in this series before, I know that we are going to get more from them in the next few books. I still was able to enjoy this one for the series opener that it is.

    The spice in this book was H O T. Even though I am still getting used to someone reading the spicy scenes out loud to me, things were still pretty spicy with Kyle and Claudia. Dragon smexy time definitely sounds like it's something to enjoy. I gave the spice a 4 out of 5. Overall, I gave this book a 3 out of 5. I enjoyed it but it wasn't like OMG this is amazing!! It's one of those nice reads that you can put on and kinda zone out but still like the plot. I'm not sure if it's because I already read the series and remember a lot of what happened or whether I just really was on cloud blah with it. Either way, I'm going to continue and hopefully actually finish this series this time. I would recommend this series to others. Especially since it's been some years and this book and series was still able to stick out to me. There are plenty of books and series that I've read that just kind of phase into the background. I don't even remember if I've read some of them but this one definitely stood out. I can't remember if it was my first dragon read but I know it was one of the books that sparked my love of the dystopian trope. 


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